Citadels Game Rental
Citadels, the classic card game by Bruno Faidutti featuring all the characters and districts from the original Citadels game plus Dark City Expansion.
In Citadels, you and your fellow players are vying for the coveted post of Master Builder. To impress the monarchy, you must construct the most majestic medieval city. You’ll need the help of various characters – Assassin, Thief, Architect, Patrician, Cardinal, even the King and others – to build your magnificent city in this revolving role-selection game.
Citadels has been published in 25 different languages and nominated for numerous awards. It’s widely considered a classic.
Game Play:
Players each start the game with a number of building cards. There are five building colors: all but purple match a particular character and provide a benefit when you play that character. Purple buildings typically provide their own special ability or benefit.
Each round, beginning with the King, players choose one of eight character cards to play that round – placing it facedown in front of them – then pass the remaining cards to the next player until all players have a character. Each character has its own special ability, and its usefulness to you depends on your current situation, and that of your opponents.
The King, then calls each Character in turn – in numerical order – to carry out their actions. On your turn, you can either:
- Take two gold OR
- Draw two building cards and discard one of them.
You may then, optionally, construct one building (or up to three if you played the Architect).
In addition, you may also perform the special ability of your Character, either before or after taking your action.
Play continues until the end of the round in which at least one player has constructed 8 buildings. Players score points for the buildings they built, plus bonuses for having all five building colors and/or eight buildings in their district. The player with the most points wins.
Rental Replacement Cost: $36.99 (includes card sleeves)