Midnight: Against the Shadow
Midnight: Against the Shadow: is a supplement to the Midnight campaign setting of the d20 system that allows players new options to fight back against the minions of the dark god Izrador.
The orcs swarm like a plague over half the continent. Mage-hunting legates and their demonic pets track down the last vestiges of magic in the land. The dark god Izrador broods and watches the world through his black mirrors. The forces are overwhelming, your enemies are dark and twisted, and you will surely perish if you resist.
But you fight.
You are the northborn ancestral bladebearer. You are the elven spellsoul. You are the pureblood Sarcosan knight. You are the fellhunting wogren rider. Your magic is rare but ancient, your allies few but stalwart.
Against the Shadow is a player’s companion and DM resource for the dark and epic campaign setting Midnight. Desperate fighters against the shadow will find new heroic paths, prestige classes, feats, spells, and weapons to help them survive. New herbalism rules create a non-magic party support option specifically tailored for the Midnight campaign. Finally, even DMs will find valuable material in new power nexuses and covenant items.
The dark lord Izrador hasn’t won yet. These are bleak times, but there are still those who pit themselves Against the Shadow.
Condition: Very Good, bending near fore edge on back cover.