Star Realms Command Deck: The Alliance
Star Realms Command Deck: The Alliance – Play as Fleet Director Nandi. Assemble the ultimate armada using the combined wealth and influence of the Trade Federation and Star Empire!
Battle against another command deck, or play as a raid boss taking on two players using standard personal decks! Each Command Deck provides an alternate starting deck for Star Realms and Star Realms: Frontiers. There are six exciting Command Decks available: The Alignment, The Alliance, The Coalition, The Pact, The Union, and The Unity.
Command Deck Features:
- Allows you to play as a Legendary Commander in the Star Realms universe.
- For use with Star Realms: Frontiers or any other Star Realms set.
- A Legendary Commander card which shows your Commander’s hand size and starting Authority.
- 2 new, easy to use score cards.
- 2 Gambit cards, unique to your Commander.
- A mighty 8-cost mega-ship.
- Your Commander’s custom 12-card starting deck, that includes new cards from your Commander’s two favored factions.
- With this powerful deck you will be able to battle against other commanders, or play as raid boss taking on multiple opponents playing standard decks.
About Star Realms
Star Realms is a fast paced deck-building card game of outer space combat. It combines the fun of a deck-building game with the interactivity of Trading Card Game style combat. As you play, you make use of Trade to acquire new Ships and Bases from the cards being turned face up in the Trade Row from the Trade Deck. You use the Ships and Bases you acquire to either generate more Trade or to generate Combat to attack your opponent and their bases. When you reduce your opponent’s score (called Authority) to zero, you win!
Note: This is not a stand-alone game. This pack is intended for use with the Star Realms Deckbuilding Game or Star Realms: Frontiers Deckbuilding Game.
Command Deck Contents: 18 cards (a legendary commander card, 12 card personal deck, a mighty 8 cost mega-ship, 2 powerful gambits and 2 scorecards.)